The scope and intensity of hockey has changed drastically over the past 5 years, and it will continue to evolve with analytics playing a critical role. Therefore, sports science research must be at the forefront of all organizations player development plans.

Studying in the department of kinesiology and specializing in sports performance at the University of Alberta, provided me with a profound foundation of knowledge. Building on this education, I’ve concentrated further studies in hockey performance training methodologies and functional injury rehabilitation.

It’s exciting and somewhat daunting to pursue a path that enhances my knowledge in elite athlete’s ability to adapt to various training stimulus throughout a periodized program. It’s a task that I believe will continue to shed light on how we can create the most resilient and highest performing athletes.

My end goal for evolving the sports science world is to eliminate as many uncontrollable variables that will hinder an athletes performance by creating training programs that work on absolute needs and perfect efficiency.

I believe that my additional research and endless efforts, over the past 7 years (+4 year degree), to improve the scientific approach in the enhancement of hockey athletes training protocols, will pay major dividends when implemented with your team!