Training an athlete to understand their own body will pay major dividends in the longevity of their career. My method to coaching athletes is to give them all of the possible support and tools necessary so that they will learn to take on the responsibility of listening to their own bodies. In order to achieve this I concentrate a lot of effort into teaching each athlete about their bodies and why I have prescribed every component of training for them. Every rep of every exercise has a deeper purpose to it. If I ask an athlete to perform a certain task I will always back it up with the precise reasoning for why this action is necessary for their overall improvement. A majority of the training that I will put the athletes through requires a component of functional movement patterns and proper muscular engagement through the kinetic chain. This is a higher level of training that demands that the athlete is cognitively engaged through each and every single movement. The ultimate goal is to have the athlete be extremely self aware as to how they should and shouldn’t be moving and whether or not they have sufficient neuromuscular engagement. If I can educate an athlete about their OWN body, they’ll continue to heighten their awareness in predicting over-training or under-training symptoms. Creating a learning culture where the athlete becomes apart of the training plan process and engaged in the evolution of their programming, will see a decrease in injuries and increase in performance potential.