An athletes cognitive and emotional state can have an outstanding affect on their performance. Many factors will impact the athletes mood, however, as a strength and conditioning coach I’ve found that I can help promote positive self confidence through constant data based programming and most importantly by always being present for emotional support.
As I track an athletes constant progress, it allows me to reiterate to them that they’re capable of producing elite physical tasks. This becomes increasingly more important as I work with the functional rehabilitation of an injured athlete who’s on a journey to recovery. Tracking the athletes “healthy” and “injured” states will give me exact details of whether or not an athlete is capable of returning to play. If I can scientifically showcase to the athlete that they’re able to play, their confidence will be much higher than just “feeling ready”.
While I work with athletes in various training environments, I develop meaningful relationships that allow for physically and mentally therapeutic sessions. When an athlete feels comfortable with the relationship I’ve developed with them, they’re capable to open up and begin expressing their intrinsic motivations and passions. These deep conversations give me a totally new perspective of the athlete and how I can help them to grow on a personal and physical level. The key to promoting a culture that promotes positive self confidence is creating an open/safe training space and developing meaningful relationships with each athlete.